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Wudu District Mudu Fish Fun Aquarium (Corporate Credit Report)-天眼查

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Information summary:  吴中区木渎鱼趣水族馆 企业信用报告 本报告生成时间为 2018 年 09 月 27 日 10:21:32, 您所看到的报告内容为截至该时间点该公司的天眼查数据快照。 Directory 1.Business background: business information, branches, change re...., flame point, appstore是什么意思, jade gordon.Wudu District Mudu Fish Fun Aquarium (Corporate Credit Report)-天眼查

  吴中区木渎鱼趣水族馆 企业信用报告 本报告生成时间为 2018 年 09 月 27 日 10:21:32, 您所看到的报告内容为截至该时间点该公司的天眼查数据快照。 Directory 1.Business background: business information, branches, change records, key personnel 2.Shareholder information III.Foreign Investment Information IV.Enterprise development: financing history, investment events, core team, enterprise business, competitive product informationRisk Information: Untrustworthy Information, Defendant, Legal Proceedings, Court Announcement, Administrative Penalty, Serious Violation of Law, Pledge of Equity, Chattel Mortgage, Tax Arbitration Announcement, Business Abnormality, Court Announcement, Judicial AuctionIntellectual property information: trademark information, patent information, software copyright, work copyright, website filing VII.Business information: bidding, bond information, recruitment information, tax rating, land purchase information, qualification certificates, spot checks, product information, import and export information VIII.Annual report information *The above content is generated by Tianyancha after data verification, for your reference. *Regards: This report is the result of Tianyancha accepting your entrustment and inquiring about interest.Tianyancha is not responsible for the comprehensiveness, accuracy and authenticity of the query results.This report should only provide a reference for your decision.Tianyanzha is not responsible for any consequences arising from the use of this report. 一、企业背景 1.1 工商信息 企业名称: 吴中区木渎鱼趣水族馆 工商注册号: 统一信用代码: / 法定代表人: 尹增会 组织机构代码: / 企业类型: 个体工商户 所属行业: 零售业 经营状态: 在业 注册资本: 15 万元人民币 注册时间: 2013-10-22 注册地址: 苏州市吴中区木渎镇木渎商城 8 幢 3 号 营业期限: 2013-10-22 至/ 经营范围: 许可经营项目:无 一般经营项目:零售:观赏鱼、渔具、鱼缸。 Registration authority: Market Supervision Administration of Wuzhong District, Suzhou City Approval Date: 2013-10-22 1.2 Branches As of September 27, 2018, according to the search of relevant domestic websites and the analysis of the Tianyan check database, no relevant information was found.It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.仅供客户参 3 考。 1.3 Change records As of September 27, 2018, according to the domestic relevant website search and analysis of the Tianyan check database, no relevant information was found.It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.For customers reference only. 1.4 Main personnel No. 1 Name Yin Zenghui Position Manager 2. Shareholder information As of September 27, 2018, according to the domestic relevant website search and analysis of the Tianyan check database, no relevant information was found.It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.For customers reference only. 3. Foreign investment information As of September 27, 2018, according to the domestic relevant website search and analysis of the Tianyan database, no relevant information was found.It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.For customers reference only. 四、企业发展 4.1 Financing history As of September 27, 2018, according to the search of relevant domestic websites and analysis of the Tianyan database, no relevant information was found.It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.For customers reference only. 4.2 Investment events As of September 27, 2018, according to the relevant domestic website search and Tianyan check database analysis, no relevant information was found.It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.For customers reference only. 4.3 Core team As of September 27, 2018, according to the domestic relevant website search and analysis of the Tianyan check database, no relevant information was found.It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.For customers reference only. 4.4 Enterprise business As of September 27, 2018, according to the domestic relevant website search and Tianyan check database analysis, no relevant information was found.It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.For customers reference only. 5 竞品信息 截止 2018 年 09 月 27 日,根据国内相关网站检索及天眼查数据库分析,未查询到相关信息。It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.For customers reference only. V. Risk information 5.1 Information of the person subject to execution As of September 27, 2018, according to the search of relevant domestic websites and the analysis of the Tianyan database, no relevant information was found.It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.For customers reference only. 5.2 Untrustworthy information As of September 27, 2018, according to the search of relevant domestic websites and analysis of the Tianyan check database, no relevant information was found.It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.For customers reference only. 5.3 Legal Litigation As of September 27, 2018, according to the search of relevant domestic websites and the analysis of the Tianyan check database, no relevant information was found.It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.For customers reference only. 法院公告 截止 2018 年 09 月 27 日,根据国内相关网站检索及天眼查数据库分析,未查询到相关信息。It cannot be ruled out that the information is not completely consistent with the objective facts caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not yet been disclosed, and there are differences in the forms of disclosure.For customers reference only. 5.5 Administrative Penalties As of September 27, 2018, according to the domestic relevant website search and analysis of the Tianyan check database, no relevant information was found.It does not exclude information and objectivity caused by the fact that the source of the disclosed information has not been disclosed and there are differences in the form of disclosure.

  Wudu District Mudu Fish Fun Aquarium (Corporate Credit Report)-Tianyan_Biology_Natural Science_Professional Information.吴中区木渎鱼趣水族馆 企业信用报告 本报告生成时间为 2018 年 09 月 27 日 10:21:32, 您所看到的报asian arowanadead lineEncyclopedia of silverfish&How to make dried whitebait for baby~How to eat small whitebait:The nutritional difference between dried whitebait and fresh whitebait$The practice of dried whitebait stew%How to eat dried whitebait(The nutritional value of dried whitebait^How to make fresh whitebait@ Kapchorwa Fish,Wudu District Mudu Fish Fun Aquarium (Corporate Credit Report)-天眼查?